
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Home Stretch of Nano....

Well, I haven't posted here in, uhm, over a month and change. Nano ate my life :) Not quite literally, but it felt like that. Still does.

To sum up (so far):

"My Cat Used To Be A Buddhist" finished at a little over 50,000 words in 10 days. I had hoped for seven, but I had Relatives here so it did not happen. After that, I began the novel that had started writing itself in my head 3 days into the FIRST nanowrimo.

As of now, over 40K into it, and hoping for 60-70K at the end, but will be happy with over 55K. "New Fires" is the title and it's a traditional fantasy style novel, more or less. If nothing else, it helps me realize that, much as I used to like reading them, I can't write well in this mode. Ah well.

Live and learn.

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