
Friday, November 17, 2006

Tree Fort

There's this place I keep forgetting
That I always used to go.
There's this smile I keep remembering
But why that is I cannot say.
When time fails to the end of days
I just want to be able to know.

The place wasn't filled with laughter
But never sprinkled with tears
It wasn't cold come the dull winter
Just a small fort in the forest.
Did that darkness know me best
Preparing me for adult fears?

I huddled under the darkness
In the fort and in the night
My parents never thought me less
When I'd come home early
Sometimes from an angle I can see
The fort and all things seem so right.

But still and all I find I wonder
Just what it is I forget
Sometimes I hear it in the thunder
Sometimes underneath your words.
I think I once grew wings as a bird
But I all I know of are regrets.

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