
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Today's act of editing

was changing
"Time was they would be older and wait for me." The unicorn's horn fades slowly from view as it draws up the seeming of a horse around itself again. "Men, women: it would not matter. They would see my purity and it would be a sign their own could end. And now I hide on roads without names or desires lest I be hunted down and turned into aphrodisiacs."
"Time was they would be older and wait for me." The unicorn's horn fades slowly from view as it draws up the seeming of a horse around itself again. "Men, women: it would not matter. They would see my purity and it would be a sign their own could end. And now I hide on roads without names or desires lest I be hunted down and used." 
via  a friend's comment on the line. The story in the series was written for a prompt, but I am tempted to make it canon in the series that most of the monsters are extinct or hiding because of being turned into aphrodisiacs and the like.


  1. *snort*


    is that why unicorn power only works on virgins?

    1. Yup :) I figure if we grind up elephant tusks, rhino horn (which isn't a horn anyway...) and kill sharks for their fins, people would do a LOT more for unicorn horn and the like. So the setting gets to have mythical creatures but they're all hiding or near-extinct.
