Saturday, March 01, 2008

What was lost

after the dream had failed
piss-poor under the driving rain
(the wish, too, wished away)

the car skidded left, sliding
through black ice, car frosted
with indrawn breath, car voices
moved from silence to silence

but you recovered, even
without a seat belt, kept on living
despite desperate prayer

laughing at death, at your face
in reflection, you turned back to us
said we were going to see mom
in the hospital, all together

said: "Let's make sure we all
have our stories straight"
("this time" unvoiced, voice
fresh bruise enough for us)

and I hated you and loved you
and wished - so hard! - but you
didn't - wouldn't - die

1 comment:

  1. We Were Found

    in the burning wreckage
    where dreams flared
    (wishes burst brightly too)

    the building collided with
    a large commercial jet,
    which really was more parody
    than one might expect

    but everyone was ok, really,
    it was only a 1:32 scale
    model of the plane

    and death found it amusing
    most of all a window was
    broken, and you turned to us
    saying what poor taste

    said: "Let's report this
    to someone" ("this time"
    we voiced, we'll make sure
    Ron hears about it too)

    and I hated you and loved you
    and wished--so softly!--but you
