Sunday, April 21, 2013

in which things are explained

<alcar> New blurb done:
<alcar> Being the story of a king who holds love higher than his kingdom, how far one has to run in order to escape destiny, and how sometimes we have to betray ourselves if we want to survive. This is the tale of a boy and a girl, an alliance that could be friendship and the long, hard paths we take to return home, and the stranger routes some must take to find a home at all.
<alcar> And it is a story about a fox, because every story worth the telling has a fox in it.
<Chaos`^> every story does? :p
<Chaos`^> what about your other stories without foxes?
<alcar> the foxes are in disguise :P
<Chaos`^> hahaha
<Chaos`^> that's cute

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