Thursday, October 13, 2005

Guardian Monsters Blurb

Since Leshy is finished (85,557K first draft), I begin the insanity of NaNoWriMo now. TO whit, Guardian Monsters/. I'll post bits of things about it here, AND for your reading enjoyment (if anyone DOES read this), the entire novel in progress.


Being the story of STEPHEN and the monster under his bed RALPHIE who, for reasons best left unknown, has fallen in love with Stephen and is determined to safeguard him from all ills. This includes his drunk uncle when he was six and sleeping over at said uncle's house. Then last night, while partying after his thirtieth birthday, a cyborg tried to mug him in the a 'clave, only to be torn into pieces.

One unexplained incident can be dismissed; two warrants a police investigation even if you ARE rich beyond dreams of avarice. The police suspect combat nanos of impressive complexity. Stephen's Parents (Frank & Vaerlie Inc.) suspect drugs or "the wrong crowd." Stephen had no clue WHAT is going on.

Costarring bored AIs running elevators of doom ("I can calculate PI to 3 million decimal places and you want to go to the fifth floor? Hop in, buddy."), Ressurectionists who like to die and come back an hour later as the ultimate thrill, broken down cyborg mercenaries, down on their luck genies, clones looking for souls, and a very suspicious corpocracy [government] agent who wants the new weapon to use on the government accountants and get out of an expense audit.

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