Thursday, October 26, 2006


Victim of your suicide
Finding you hanging
Dangling dead from the overpass

Lost wages are musings
On underpasses, underworlds,
And my headlights finding you.

I thought you were an angel
Your body
For a sudden moment.

Shaken by the quake, I
Have yet to heal, do not
Know yet who to blame.


  1. I really enjoy the part of the angel. It's very beautiful and very sad. But then again, after all, I'm nobody to judge your poetry. Poetry is personal and no one can understand its deeper meaning. Nobody was inside the writer's head when it exploded into the world.

    Nonetheless, it makes me want to cry. Even though I've never seen someone committing suicide.

    Maybe it's because I die everyday in my head. And am reborn the next morning.

    Who knows.

  2. Nor have I. It was, oddly, written during a Work Thing, where we got a presentation by Victim Services (government funded group that basically helps out victims). Among those included as victims were those who had come across someone's body who had kiled themselfves, which struck me as odd ...
