Sunday, December 15, 2013

In which I figure out plot stuff...

Ah, screenplays. Or, more accurately, entire TV series season. On the plus side, it only took me 11 days to figure out a major plot point. On the downside, it does mean I need to rewrite a chunk of my 10,000 words of notes. I have written out an outline for the first 2 episodes (closing in on 3K words) and will do very short synopsis-bursts for the next ones and then revise the setting/info files.

Which should be done before the new year so I can work on Ghoulish Happenings at that point, then get back into this project and write out an actual treatment for the first episode. With luck it shall work....

OTOH, working on the project is handy for ideas about novels and games in general. I'm having to focus a lot more on the antagonist than I usually do and that is a good thing for any project. On the flip side, I've probably made it too complicated but that can easily be ironed out later on.


  1. I commend your ambition here. I can't find time to finish organizing my short story book. And your comment on my blog gave me a good laugh. Thank you

  2. do you listen to stuart mclean? if so I have included some stuff in latest blog which I'll prob post tomorrow
