Wednesday, November 16, 2005

First Post

Partially because I just got a job in Victoria, and largely because I am insane, I am going to embark upon this project. Specifically, writing a poem every day for the year of 2006, from January 1st until December 31st. Subject matter (and quality) will likely vary wildly, but it'll be a fun experiment in insanity.

NOTE that some poems may be written in advance (say, 5 in one day) to give me a break, on occassion. I may also post older poems from time to time as well, and will post a few as examples before the first. So - welcome to the inside of my head. I hope you enjoy the visit :)


  1. You, alcar, are insane. But I do like this idea. If I have the facilities upgraded by then (and by that I mean working computer and internet connection in the apartment) I may join you. Otherwise I'll do it mostly by hand, as I have been doing lately, then typing it up at school. Some good stuff has come of it.

  2. Heh. Insanity is fun, though :)

    And yeah, doing poems by hand first is always best, at least for me. The interesting part will be doing this during the february move without a computer for a bit. Ah well. Will manage something :)
