Monday, November 09, 2009

Nanowrmo, day 8

We are running low on food. Bickens has begun to look quite appetizing and we may have to begin to eat each other to survive and not just because we figured it would make the story of our plight into a better movie.

Wait, wrong kind of "day 8". Having said that, the eighth day of nanowrimo went pretty slowly. I barely got over 5,000 words, making it my second-slowest day thus far. A lot of that was one or two scenes I kept reworking and adding, and one planned scence I cut for reasons of space and timing. On the other hand, I'm quite liking this story thus far and odd details and surrealisms have creeped into it that were never intended.

Plus an adorable 8 year old vampire with baby teeth issues. Depending on how this goes, I may do a sequel story or two (I have the high school named for a HS story as well). I suspect it may be necessary and it will be fun to explore Clay's relationship with his mother as he realizes who she is and begins to question her tales of his missing father.

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