Saturday, January 26, 2013

Benefiting from error

The first section of Ghoulish Happenings is done: what was going to be the end of the first novel has happened in the story and became more abrupt than planned, also changed a fair bit due to plotting out the second novel in my head at the same time. The major plus side is that the ending, which felt abrupt even when plotted out initially, now flows into the second story/half of the novel far better. I'm almost at the 63K mark in the story and will probably have another 20K to go after this, paring down what would have been the second novel to the basics as an ending to this story.

There are still things to alter in the early part of the story, a couple of useful scenes to add but so far it is working. Now what will happen in the sequel, on the other hand, is mostly still a question in my head. I know some of the players and their goals but I'm still working out the overall thrust of the story though I know it is going to be more of a quiet and personal story than the first novel was.

From last night's output:

“He killed my friend,” I said
“And that’s the solution?” Lance didn’t lower his gun. “Do you plan to kill everyone who kills your friends?”
“Killing them won’t make you feel better,” he said, and there was nothing save certainty in his voice.
“It won’t make me feel worse.”

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