Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tasting the end....

Closing in on 74K. Taking the day off from writing to plot the last bits of story and plan to have the draft 'finished' sometime this weekend. There are scenes I need to add early on and likely things to fix even in the latter half of the story. Ironically, I was trying to pace the writing so I didn't rush things and still wrote over 5K yesterday, but about half of that was a scene that had been sitting in my head for weeks now so I don't think it went too badly.

It is fun that the sequel will be a completely different beast, with the MCs having both grown up a bit.  Ghoulish Happenings is very much a coming-of-age tale, whereas the sequel (tentatively Ghoulish Trappings in my head .... as of now ...) is more about finding one's own feet as adults and navigating a wider world. If you screw up, it becomes your duty to make that right: that other people will be trying to drive them out of the city is only proof that they have already screwed up in the worst way possible -- that of not having noticed they did at all.

I have a truckload of research to do for the next couple of weeks and then will begin the edit/fix of GH. If all goes according to plan, of course.

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