Sunday, June 03, 2012

Day the third

Closing in on 6K words, slowly. Have decided to drop the alternating chapters idea as the past stuff just breaks up the flow and urgency of the plot too much. Which means half of what I've plotted out this far won't be used. Granted, 'plot' is really 2-3 sentence summaries of chapters. Hell, the notes of was  chapter 11 are: 'Chapter 11: Snag Mishi, head to Otherworld.' I prefer plotting in broad terms since it allows for more deviance and juggling of things if it becomes necessary. Scrapping half my plotted pieces will make things interesting, if only in figuring ways to incorporate some of the actually useful info. into the story.

And, thanks to writing group, I am currently trying -- as best I can -- to ignore the urge to do up a new notes file for Boy & Fox. I may give into it .... now, in fact.

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