Wednesday, November 06, 2013

The madness: Day thix, as Jay would call it ...

Day six: 50,137 words.

 Downside; only one page left of a plot I *thought* would hit 80K :p

Also a couple of scenes I may have to alter or trim as I don't think they fit the series that well at all, but that'll be into the next draft....

A fun scene between Charlie and someone else. Charlie is always far too much fun to write :)

“I was angry: my husband had died not a year before. I was being blamed for his death, called a witch and all manner of lies.”

“So you called up a creature from Outside the universe to show you weren’t a witch.”

“We all do things in haste; what is life but a series of regrets?”

“Lessons on how not to be an asshole?”


  1. Well my friend - congrats!! day 6 and done -- fast writer all right. Now what are you going to do with it?

    1. Actually finished the rest of the draft tonight. I THOUGHT I had another 20K in it, but I didn't. I nixed some scenes as wastes of space and not needed. I'd hope to hit 70K. I was aiming for 90. The draft clocked in at 53.5K. I know I've stuff to fix and alter and the ending is too rushed -- all my endings are, as slow as I try to make them.

      So it shall sit for a few months and then the second round on it begin ....

      Now I just have to figure out wth to DO with the rest of this month :P
